Furness Welcomes Steve
27th April 2017
The WM of Furness Mark Lodge No 36 is Ian Cottam who, due to a slight hiatus in the succession planning process, has come to the aid of the lodge by occupying the chair for the second time. However it has also coincided with his appointment in an acting role as Provincial Senior Grand Deacon.
Barry Fitzgerald, Steve Renney, Geoff Waters, Keiron Mullan and Brian Davey
It was somewhat inevitable that the initial meeting of Furness Mark in the new season would clash with the first visit for the new Provincial team. With it being only 67 miles away in Preston, and therefore virtually a home fixture for those of us in the north, Ian made his way south and left his lodge in the very capable hands of Barry Fitzgerald.
Barry Fitzgerald, Andrew Ridal and Stuart Brackstone
On the evening the main work was the advancement of Steve Renney who had been proposed by Barry and seconded by lodge secretary Kieron Mullan.
Barry Fitzgerald, Steve Renney, Bill Glassey and Brian Davey
The ceremony of advancement was split three ways with Bill Glassey undertaking the first part, that doyen of ritualists Brian Davey giving the second part and Dave Sear chipping in with the last piece of the work. Special mention must go to Geoff Waters who had taken on the role of senior deacon at fairly short notice due to the appointed senior deacon having urgent work commitments. He conducted Steve throughout the ceremony in fine style.
Following the advancement special representative Stuart Brackstone was on hand to deliver to Steve a letter of welcome from the R.W. Provincial Grand Master Keith Beardmore.
John Houlding, Stuart Brackstone, Bill Joughin, Carl Hallows and John Browne
Steve is a very enthusiastic craft and chapter Mason and no doubt he will bring that zealousness to the Mark degree, a travel consultant by occupation it is thought he will go far!
At the meeting Andrew Ridal, Deputy Provincial Grand Secretary in the craft, was presented with his Mark Grand Lodge certificate. He later proposed his father Terry as a candidate for advancement into the lodge.
At the beginning of the evening salutations were given to mark the well-deserved promotion at Grand Mark Lodge in June of Bill Joughin to the rank of Past Grand Senior Deacon.
Words and pictures by Dave Sear